Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Parents, Friends and Family...

We want to let you all know that we are posting as much as possible and as quickly as possible, but we have limited access to wireless internet, tons of pictures to process and limited time to actually post. We promise all is going incredibly well and God is moving miraculously, not only in the lives of Guatemalans but also in your teens' lives! Many of you may have heard via Facebook that we slept through a tiny earthquake last night - there was no damage and it was so small that it was barely even felt. We just wanted to make sure that everyone at home knew that there was no cause for alarm :) Thank you for your prayers and support! As we are able, we will continue updating the blog as much as we can in the midst of these busy schedules!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God!

    The earthquake was indeed small and a little ways away.

    USGS survey of the quake:

    And a map (green marker A is the quake, green marker B is Antigua):
